Full Title: First Draft of Screenplay for the movie Adaptation adapted from the book The Orchid Thief by Susan Orlean. This is a copy of the First Draft (January 2, 1999) of the Academy Award nominated (Best Adapted Screenplay) screenplay Adaptation, written by Charlie Kaufman (and his fictional brother, Donald).
Once listed, it will be the Only First Draft of Adaptation for sale anywhere on the Internet. Kaufman won the BAFTA Award for Best Adapted Screenplay.
The movie'was praised for its direction, screenplay, humor, and the performances of Cage, Cooper, and Streep. It received awards at the 75th Academy Awards, 60th Golden Globe Awards, and 56th British Academy Film Awards, with Cooper winning the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. A British Film Institute poll ranked it one of the thirty best films of the 2000s. The screenplay is ranked number 77 on the Writers Guild of America's list of the 101 greatest movie screenplays ever written.